Air Conditioner Model Number Search

- Want to find some information on your unit? In the search box below, enter a unit serial number and find it! Please note that lookup by Sales Order and Purchase Order currently only applies to products produced 2014 and earlier.
- Search This Blog. Welcome to our blog! We want you to be an informed homebuyer, and each blog post is a question that we have answered for our friends and customers over the years. Hope they help you make a good choice for your next home. • What is the right MERV number for my air conditioning filter?
Follow our step-by-step guide on finding your product/model number for a variety of air condition brands. Pictures help you pinpoint exactly where they are.
Tempstar Air Conditioner Model Number Search
Trane Air Conditioner Model Number Search

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•What is the difference between the SEER and EER of an air conditioner?
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•What is the difference between a heat pump and a cooling air conditioner?
•Is it alright to close the air conditioning vents in unused rooms?
•What is the right MERV number for my air conditioning filter?
•Should I move my air conditioner into the attic?
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•What is an air conditioning heat recovery system?
•When should I switch the thermostat to “EMERGENCY HEAT” for my heat pump air conditioner?
•Why does the air conditioner condensate drain line need a trap in it?
•What is the average lifespan of an air conditioner?
•Should I remove an old whole house fan or keep it?
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•Is it acceptable for an air conditioning condensate drain line to terminate under the house?
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•Will closing doors reduce my heating and cooling costs?
•Why is there a wall switch next to the furnace or indoor unit of the air conditioner in the garage?
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•Which one is better for a home heating system: electric or natural gas?
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•How can I tell if an air conditioner uses R-22 or R-410A refrigerant?
•Why is my air conditioner not cooling enough?
•What is a return air plenum for a furnace or air conditioning system?
•When is an auxiliary drain pan required under an air conditioner indoor unit (air handler)?
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•What is a FanRecycler and AirCycler?
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