Top 10 Pokemon Rom Hacks

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Best Pokemon Hacks
Top Pokemon Rom Hacks of All Time I have taken down the poll for the time being. Here are the top 20 Pokemon ROM hacks, based on number of votes. Glazed - 400 (14%.
Best Completed Pokemon Rom Hacks
Pokémon Sienna Version
Great hack,Good graphics,Good storyline
Not completed yet.
Pokémon Ruby Destiny:Reign of the legends
Very good storyline.
Great Mapping
Graphics could be better
Pokémon Naranja
Good hack
Good scripts
Nice graphics and mapping
Pokémon Flora Sky
Nice rom hack very good scripting and story
Pokémon Liquid Crystal
Almost perfectly scripting
Stunny Mapping
Not fun gameplay.
5.Pokémon Ruby Destiny Rescue Rangers
Great Graphics
Very good storyline
Stunny Mapping
4.Pokémon Ash Gray
One of the best scripting hacks.
Good graphics
Very Very good gameplay
3.Pokémon Shiny Gold
One of the first rom hacks and one of the best!!!
Great scripting
2.Pokémon Dark cry:the legend of giratina
Very good mapping
almost perfect gameplay
Great Scripting and storyline
1.Pokémon Light Platinum
Very Good Storyline
Great Scripting
Awesome Graphics
Best Mapping of all hacks
Most engaging probably
Best Gameplay of all